
Let’s cook real food!

When did it become okay to feed our kids chemicals? Yes, your kids will eat real food, they show me in class after class that they LOVE REAL FOOD. And they don’t want to eat food dyes! It might surprise you, but after these kids learn about food dyes and the alternative to use “super-food-coloring” they say no to chemicals in their food!

Hi, I’m Lisa!

And in my years of speaking and teaching to highly educated audiences, the confusion remains over what is healthy. For the record, I do not endorse (or believe) in one “diet” – as there is no “one-size-fits-all” diet.

I use yogic principles and an elimination protocol when I coach my clients to guide them back to their innate wisdom; the wisdom of their body. There is far more confusion when one is relying on “experts” outside of themselves.

My teachings of holistic health and nutrition follow yogic principles, starting with ahimsa, or “non-harming.” Similar to the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians to “first, do no harm.”

It seems so simple, yet somehow we forgot. Regardless of how we got here, it is time to course-correct. Change starts in the kitchen!

The philosophy that this program is built on is that with courage, confidence and creativity, kids will learn not only how to cook, but how to take care of themselves, and learn to critically think!

It takes courage to get in the kitchen and try new things. With practice comes confidence. And creativity is the ability to “think outside the box” (quite, literally, in this case)

Freedom Kitchen is a place to gather, to nourish and to love. And this kids’ cooking program was created with all my heart, from my kitchen to yours.

Lisa Jendza is a business and health coach who has owned a Wellness Spa and co-founded a Commercial Kitchen/Cooking School. A dynamic change agent and business guru, she cut her teeth in the business world with GM and EDS, leaving a successful career with HP after 25 years, in the fast-paced world of IT Consulting to coach others on holistic health modalities.


I graciously accept a coffee or a donation to contribute to my teaching efforts, raising healthier kids:


Work With Me

I love to partner with brands and create meaningful content showcasing products and services that I trust and use in my own kitchen and cooking classes. There are a number of ways in which we can work together.

Here are a few ways we can work together:

Cooking Class Sponsorships

I am always happy to discuss the value of cooking classes and how you can benefit by sponsoring cooking classes.

Food Photography

Maximize social media platforms with engaging posts featuring quality food photography. As a food photographer, I can work with you to shoot photos of your product for use in your marketing efforts.

Recipe Development

Creativity in the kitchen is a challenge for most people, so let’s help them out with recipes using your products.

Product Reviews & Demonstrations

As a health-conscious individual, and coach, I enjoy reviewing health-conscious products and would love to discuss working with brands in this niche.

Guest / Expert Appearances

As a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and former corporate executive Lisa is available to appear or participate as a guest on your podcast, radio, TV, or any online show/programming as a contributor or expert in the following areas:
– Food/Recipes/Cooking
– Healthy Lifestyle / Toxicity / Detox
– Raising Kids to Cook / Cooking Classes
– Moving from IT to Bricks & Mortar to Digital Business

Photo & Recipe Sharing

All of my work is copyrighted. If you’re interested in using Freedom Kitchen photos and/or recipes on your site, magazine/publications etc… you must obtain permission to use it. All shared content must be credited and linked back to www.freedomkitchenkids.com

By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement.